To harbor 300+ of the best Indian talent under one roof, where we can act and serve as an incubator for digital undertakings of all complexities and sizes. Diversified talent and skillsets are essential, as we are not looking to pump out the same creative formulas every time, but rather to create and execute both our own unique ideas and those thought up by individuals from around the globe.
Two Indian friends (now shareholders in our companies) branched off from the big corporate world and started their own company in 2006; by the time they re-engineered with Idea Vessel eight years later, they had grown to a company of 28 staff. Fast forward to 2019, and there’s now almost 50 staff in India, with that number increasing every day. 300+ staff is not a dream, but very much a reality we’ll see by 2022.
Enter indiaIndia has the highest number of digitally talented people of any country in the world at nearly 76% (compared to an average of 56% globally), with highly skilled technical graduates growing at a rate of nearly 7% per year. Google, Microsoft, Nokia and Adobe, amongst many other tech giants, currently have Indian-born CEO’s (2018), with America often finding better talent from India than its own locale. India is not next, it’s NOW. If you want to see how you can invest in this shift, please visit our investors page:
Two partners from the West and two partners from the East have come
together as one ferocious team to form Bengali Valley, the next king of the jungle.
Matt Cook
Board of Directors
Grant Whitman Anderson
Satinath Mondal
Arindam Chaudhuri